www.Kapol.in - Kapol Samaj Matrimony

Candidate's Name Nikunj Rameshchandra Kikani
Loves a good party
Enjoys celebrating festivals and cultural events Always
Likes to talk about feelings and emotions Always
Likes to keep to a schedule Usually
Keeps up a steady stream of conversation Usually
Likes to talk about intellectual things like art and philosophy Sometimes
Agrees with me to keep the peace Sometimes
Keeps a very clean house Always
Is a social butterfly Usually
Loves to travel to exotic places Sometimes
Is more logical than emotional Sometimes
Has strict systems for staying organized Usually
Prefers to be quiet
Is very curious about the world
Is sensitive
Is very punctual
Has many friends
Has a complex mind
Doesn't compete with me
Is predictable
Likes a lot of alone time
Is loyal to traditions
Avoids conflict
Puts work before play