Being around lots of people energizes me |
I am full of new ideas |
I make sure other people know that I care about their feelings |
I prefer to follow a schedule |
People tell me I am too quiet |
I have a vivid imagination |
It is important to me to make decisions without being swayed by emotions |
I would rather go with the flow than have a set schedule |
I enjoy chatting with new acquaintances |
I would rather try something new than do things the same old way |
I think of myself as a sensitive person |
I make plans and stick to them |
It is easy for me to talk to strangers |
I like to do things differently, even if I am not sure it will work |
I enjoy being there for people when they are feeling sad |
I have trouble sticking to a routine |
I enjoy being the center of attention |
My hobbies and interests are somewhat unusual |
It is best to be totally objective when making a decision |
I like to finish all my chores before I do something fun |
I get a thrill out of meeting new people |
I enjoy hearing new ideas |
I like to help others with their personal problems |
I leave things unfinished |
I try not to draw attention to myself |
I have a rich fantasy life |
I go out of my way to make people feel at ease |
I like to start tasks in advance, so that I have plenty of time to finish |
I enjoy spending time thinking quietly to myself |
I enjoy imagining the future |
I wish other people would be more logical |
I enjoy following a procedure |